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Just One:
A Journey of Perseverance and Conviction

Discover the heart behind the heroine on the frontlines of humanitarian aid.

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Just One: A Journey of Perseverance and Conviction
Dr. Nour Akhras

About the Author

Dr. Nour Akhras is a Syrian-American pediatric infectious diseases physician and pediatric hospitalist who has traveled across the world to provide healthcare to children in disaster regions.


Her first medical mission changed her life and has colored every subsequent experience. As a mother of four young children, she strongly believes in speaking out against injustice and the dehumanization of people. 

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Top reviews from the United States

Shevawn O. Tyrrell

I started reading this today and could not put it down. This book expanded my world view and my awareness of how each faith and culture touches all of us and makes us better. As a nurse and coworker, I am so grateful Dr Akhras shared her life, work, and dedication with us. Thank you, Dr Akhras, for the sacrifices you have made and for the journey you forge every day advocating for humanity.

Haaris Ahmad

Beautiful real and raw stories that make you cry and smile as well. I highly recommend this book. It makes you realize all the blessings you have and think about ways to give back.


This was such an insightful, relatable and authentic book. I really appreciated the refugee stories that were shared and the perspective from not only a physician but mothers point of view. Highly recommend this read!

Amenah I.

It's so easy for us to read and watch the news and move on with our day to day. Nour shows us that you can make a difference in the lives of others for the better and the ripple effect this causes. A much needed book to remind us all of what's possible.

This book is more than just a story;

it's a challenge. 

This isn't just a book; it's a genuine and deeply personal account of a courageous Syrian-American mother who embarked on a mission to provide humanitarian aid to those caught in the throes of war.


Dr. Akhras takes readers through the highs and lows of her life, from the days of being a wide-eyed medical student to the demanding roles of a resident and attending physician in post-9/11 America. 


Through her powerful storytelling, you'll meet the families who, in the face of unbearable adversity, left their homeland in search of safety and refuge.


But this book is more than just a story; it's a challenge. 


It challenges the way we perceive refugees, urging us to break free from preconceived notions. It invites you to see the world through the eyes of those who've endured unimaginable hardships and, in the process, reveals the incredible impact that 'just one' person can have on the lives of many.

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A portion of the proceeds from book sales will support MedGlobal

MedGlobal is an internationally recognized non-governmental organization that provides emergency response and health programs to build resilience among vulnerable communities worldwide.


Dr. Akhras firmly believes that every child should be allowed to maximize their potential, starting with access to healthcare, especially in emergency situations.


"An exquisitely moving journey featuring compassionate medical intervention in refugee camps."

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